Certified Public Accountant

We offer assurance services to any size business. Our expertise is situated, among others:
Special report
We worked out a unique concept of bookkeeping which allows you to save time and money. You save time because you avoid moving at your accountant's office to put back papers. You save some money because your accountant has access to all your invoices via a bank of accounting storage of documents on the Internet. The accountant connects at a distance in your system and your accounting is made while you take care of what creates wealth for your company. See the information in the link following for a description more detailed:
Besides, this service allows to offer you the following services:
GST/TVH and QST taxes files
Employee benefit files
Follow-up of the payables
Management advises
Accounting by activities
Follow-up of the receivables
Bank conciliation
Provisional tax account
Personal taxes
Corporations taxes
Inheritance and testamentary planning
Trusts taxes
Corporate reorganizations
Transfer of companies between generations
Our team is capable of supplying you all the taxes services that you need.
Among these services, we find:
Death and succession
Purchase / sale of company
Financing by fiscal incentive
Research and development
Fiscal searches on any other subject
Before making an important decision for your company, a consultation could show you of new opportunities. We advise our customers in these various spheres:
Subsidies and loans
Starting up of company
Tax credit for investment
Tax credit for research and development
Purchase / Sale of company
Évaluation of company
Business plan
Followed starting-up
Forward-looking financial statements
Financial plan, loan negotiation
Financial analysis
Analysis of breakeven point
With the experience accumulated with our certification customers, we established a knowledge pushed by several computer systems. We are available to assist you in the choice and the setting-up of your IT products. Our expertise is among others requested in the following activities:
Accounting system setting-up
Software choice
Financial accounting/management accounting
Quickbooks training
Quickbooks advisor for cloud online


» Manufacturer
» Construction
» Retail selling
» Wholesalers
» Services business
» Research and development
Our cabinet offers a vast range of services to companies and to private individuals. If you are an owner of a company to sole owner or that you manage an international company, we have the resources to answer your problems.
The size of our office favors a more personal contact with our clientele and allows us to limit our expenses of administrations. This factor, combined in a low personnel turnover, allows us to offer services of high quality to competitive prices.
Year after year, we continue to serve the same customers satisfied to whom are added over the years new customers and new companies. Although incomplete, here is a list of sector in which we work:
» Real estate
» Recycling
» Investment company
» High technologies

We are proud to have built up a robust reputation in the field of the international taxation. We offer relevant services and advice to our clientele. If you try to launch your company in Canada or if you try to make your company grow abroad, Grondin CPA turns out to be a solid partner. We offer among others services in the following spheres:
- Expatriate
- Deemed residents in Canada or USA
- Canadian trust
- Assets protection trust
- American taxation
» American Citizens living in Canada
- Form 1040 US
- FBAR Report of foreign bank and financial account
TD F 90-22.1
- Voluntary disclosure for US Citizen Resident living abroad
who hasn't file income tax
» Canadian living in foreign country
- Holding Canadian real estate
- Holding registered retirement account
» Canadian Corporation doing business in the USA
- 1120 F (Foreign income tax declaration)
» US Corporation establishing business in Canada
- Branch taxes
» Certification for subsidiaries of foreign company
» Support your emigration / immigration
- Certification for subsidiaries of foreign company
- Support your emigration / immigration

710, rue Bouvier, bureau 200
Québec (Québec)
G2J 1C2
E-mail : Alain.Grondin@fbl.com
Phone : 418.627.3666
Toll free : 844.216.3666
Fax : 418.622.2548
You can contact us via the form below :